Go Young Wook’s face covered up by a sticker on dog food packaging

In light of the ongoing scandal, Go Young Wook‘s position as the endorsement model of a dog food brand may be at stake.

An online community forum recently posted a picture comparing the previous dog food packaging to a more recent one. In response to Go Young Wook’s current ongoing scandal, it seems the company has taken to putting a sticker over his face to further prevent associating Go Young Wook’s image with their brand.

Netizens responded to this picture, saying, “This company works fast” and “Will his contract be terminated?

Product distributors told Newsen on May 25th, “We did not realize a sticker had been placed over Go Young Wook’s face until we saw the news articles. We do not know anything regarding the termination of his contract. We’ll have to ask the product’s company, but from what we know, no decisions have been made yet.”

On another note, Go Young Wook who was being investigated on the suspicion of sexually assaulting female A, will not be arrested, as the judge has ruled that there is not enough evidence suggesting that the female had been held against her will nor forced to have sex. However, even though it seems that the sexual assault charge may be thrown out, Go Young Wook will have to answer to the charges of engaging in sexual relations with a minor.

Source & Image: Newsen via Nate, Hankooki via Nate

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