CNBLUE establishes a school in Africa

A new school named after CNBLUE has been established in Burkina Faso, Africa!

CNBLUE has revealed that they’ve participated in a charity project that constructs a school in the town of Niamadougou. Yearly, the boys will help out with the funding for the school by donating a portion of the profits made from their albums and concerts. The school will be attended by 100 pre-schoolers and 1,000 elementary and junior high school students, and features facilities like daycare, after school center, plenty of classrooms, and also will provide meals.

Burkina Faso is considered one of the most impoverished places in Africa, and many families can’t afford to send their children to school. The children instead sell items in the streets to help their family live on for another day. Unfortunately, the number of children being abandoned is also on the rise, as well as child abuse and exploitation.

To give the children another chance, CNBLUE decided to help out in every way they can. Their school opened up for class last month and is already in session.

FNC Entertainment stated, “To pay back the love that they’ve been receiving, CNBLUE has been looking for various ways to help out. They’ve decided to set up a school, and will continue supporting these children in the future.”

Source + Photos: Sports Seoul via Naver

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