HaHa shows off his muscles on Twitter

HaHa shows off his muscles on Twitter

HaHa recently uploaded a photo via his Twitter page with the hilarious caption, “This is too sexy of a picture to be me, right? I’m going to lose 5kg! I want a defined jawline! Then I’m going to go out! I’m going to be hot enough for Hollywood! I’m going to be cool enough to wear black turtlenecks! And black-rimmed glasses! And no more tanning! Think I can do it?”

In the photo, HaHa smiles brightly wearing a white beater and a khaki-colored cap. His photo is receiving attention because he looks so muscular and masculine in the photo, different from the cute ‘HaRoRo’ image he has.
Netizens responded with comments like, “So manly“, “Good luck on your diet“, and “So sexy.

Source & Image : TVDaily via Nate

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