Before and after makeup pictures of girl group members draw attention

A collection of pictures of girl group members with and without makeup have surfaced, attracting much attention from fans and netizens.

The collection of photos that have been making its way around on online portals feature After School‘s NaNa and Lizzy, T-ara‘s Jiyeonmiss A‘s Min, and Brown Eyed GirlsGa In and Narsha.

The pictures surprised many who are unfamiliar with the differences in image that eye makeup can create, for the members give off a more fresh and innocent charm in their before pictures rather than the sexy image they usually show off on stage.

Netizens responded, “The importance of makeup“, “Makeup alone can make people look so different“, and “The before and after pictures are surprising.”

Source + Image: W Star News via Nate, HeraldMoney Today

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