Ivy shows off her perfect skin in a new selca

Making a comeback after a hiatus of two and a half years, singer Ivy revealed a selca she took before the recording of SBS ‘Strong Heart’.

Ivy uploaded the picture onto her blog on April 21st and commented, “Here to record ‘Strong Heart’. I’m a weak heart though…

Taken before the April 19th recording of the show, Ivy shows off her clear skin and sharp V-line face. The singer also dressed in a sheer chiffon black button-up with large jewels.

Fans who saw the picture commented saying, “I am really look forwards to your comeback“, “I will make sure to watch ‘Strong Heart’“, and “You’re beauty hasn’t changed at all!

This episode of ‘Strong Heart’ is scheduled on April 24th, and the singer’s mini-album ‘Interview‘ is set to be released on April 27th.

Source & Image: Ivy’s Personal Blog

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