KBS hints that Lee Seung Gi and Eun Ji Won may not return for ’1N2D’ season 2

TV network KBS have started promotions for the sequel to popular variety show, ‘1 Night 2 Days’ (or ‘1N2D‘).

Recently, a KBS entertainment program brought up the show’s second season during a preview segment and left a hint as to who would not be returning.

The newscaster said, “Though Kim C, Kang Ho Dong, and even Na PD have left ‘1N2D’, there is still season two to look forward to.” She followed up by saying, “Goodbye Lee Seung Gi and Eun Ji Won.

Though the mention was brief, fans of the show immediately began to buzz over the name-drops of Lee Seung Gi and Eun Ji Won. Many suspected that it would be these two entertainers who will be officially leaving the show.

As reported earlier, a representative from KBS said that they felt a name change for season two of ’1N2D’ would not be necessary, as the only things that would be changing are its cast members.

The last episode of ‘1N2D’ is scheduled to be filmed on February 10th, and the first episode of season two will be shot on February 24th.

Source & Image: Newsen via Nate

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