TGN Entertainment apologizes for Leader’S debut showcase

Yesterday, it was revealed that reporters left the scene of Leader’S debut showcase disappointed and upset with the way the girls were used as a scheme for business purposes for coffee franchise ‘Scentimor‘.

In response to the negative reports, representatives of TGN Entertainment have issued an official statement of apology.

They expressed,

“We would like to express our apologies towards the reporters that were disrespected by the staff of coffee franchise ‘Scentimor’. We would like to accept full responsibility for giving the franchise control over the event. First, we acknowledge that the business aspect of the event was over the top, and that was our fault for trying to match the event’s proceedings around the business explanations. The girl group worked hard with the situation they were given, and they are at no fault. We are worried that their image will be harmed for something they were not responsible for. We ask that you please forgive the mistakes made on this day.”

Not only had the event been disorganized, but a staff of ‘Scentimor’ had shouted and sworn at the reporters once things did not flow to her satisfaction. Reporters immediately filed out, and she was eventually forced to publicly apologize, and the CEOs of TGN ENtertainment and ‘Scentimor’ arrived on the scene to issue their own apologies.

The representatives continued,

“The girls’ official debut is actually early next year, but in an effort to fit a showcase in on a business-related schedule with the coffee franchise, we could not complete and prepare everything required. We still have not chosen the titles of their songs, and we admit that it was disappointing that the girls had to lip synch because of the lack of equipment and setup. We acknowledge that this was due to a lack of experience on our part.”

“The girls of Leader’S are young, passionate girls that have been working so hard in a situation with little benefits. They will rehearse harder to get back on stage, so please forgive the mistake of their first showcase and continue to watch over them.”

Source + Photos: TV Report via Naver

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