Fans spot Leessang’s Gary eating at a local hamburger shop

Photos of Leessang‘s Gary eating at a local hamburger joint has surfaced online, and fans once again took note of his down-to earth, carefree nature.

The netizen who posted the photo above also wrote, “He looked like such a major celebrity at his concert, but he looked just like an average citizen at the hamburger place.”

Different from other celebrities, Gary seemed unconcerned with being seen in public, and fans found his unassuming nature and the way he was so focused on eating his burger quite endearing.

He looks so average,” his fans wrote, in addition to “I like him better when he’s like this“, “I wouldn’t have even noticed that he was there’ and more.

How many of you would’ve yelled out “roll” if you saw Gary in public?

Source & Image: MK via Nate

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