[Exclusive Contest] B.A.P’s Power Cover Contest Winners!

To celebrate B.A.P‘s hot new comeback TS Entertainment and allthatkpops teamed up to bring you an exclusive contest event. We had over 200 entries and narrowed it down to 12 and left it up to you, the fans, to vote for the top 6!

Well the contest is now over and after 8,000 votes that were cast, we have the top 6. We would like to congratulate the top 6 along with everyone who participated in the event.

The top 6 entries will be receiving autographed B.A.P albums and exclusive fan merchandise!

Click here to go to the event page and check out the top 6.

The top 6 constants will be contacted via email with instruction on how to claim your prize.

Talk about B.A.P with other BABY’s here

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