Star King staff encourages Kang Ho Dong to return

The last episode of SBS‘ ‘Star King‘ featuring Kang Ho Dong as the lead MC aired on the 8th. The legendary MC that’s been with the program since it’s inception in January of 2007 has recently retired after being under fire for suspicion of tax evasion.

Because he retired so suddenly without notice, both the ‘Star King’ staff and Kang Ho Dong didn’t really have an opportunity to properly say their goodbyes. The staff, however, sent their encouragement through a caption on their last episode.
On the final episode, a guest who has been making Korean miso for the past 35 years guest-featured and shared his story. He was involved in a scam that led to him losing his entire fortune including his home, and to make matters worse, his mother suddenly became ill and currently lays on what may be her death bed. He can no longer produce Korean miso to support himself.

Staff members aired captions that read, “It may have felt like the world turned against you and you had no safe haven, but now we shall look forward to a new you that will dust yourself off to once again rise to your feet.”
This message, however, wasn’t directed solely for the guest. It was also a way for Star King to tell Kang Ho Dong to quickly return. Shots of both the guest and Kang Ho Dong were edited to display together, with the encouraging caption underneath.

‘Star King’ PD Bae Sungwoo informed NoCutNews, “We selected Park Namsoo as the final guest on the show so that we could end the show by encouraging both him and Kang Ho Dong.”

He continued, “There’s not much we at the program can do to help, but we want to offer him some strength… Kang Ho Dong worked really well with both the guest-starring celebrities and the featured guests on the show. He laughed with them and cried with them.”

I know his current situation so at the moment there’s nothing much I can say to him except that I want him to return and work with us once again. We will keep our ears close to the ground for him.”

Boom & Super Junior‘s Lee Teuk have been selected to serve as the new MC duo for the show, and the first episode with the new official MCs will air on the 15th.

Source & Image : NoCutNews via Naver

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