Rain’s ‘Busan Woman’ gets hit with plagiarism accusations

All-star Rain has been hit with plagiarism accusations for his digital single, ‘Busan Woman‘, which was released earlier this month on the 16th.

‘Busan Woman’ has been accused of copying the general makeup and chorus of Raphael Saadiq’s ‘Detroit Girl‘. Representatives and fans of the music industry are saying, “Only the names of the cities are different — the song title, instruments, rhythm, and melody seem to have been re-used“.

Moreover, “The introduction is such an important part of any song, yet the two tracks are ridiculously similar. The songs sound like adaptations of each other.”

The two songs indeed possess a similar tempo and pitch that gets repeated all throughout. Netizens also noted how the titles and lyrics coincide and both feature the electric piano as the main instrument.

Raphael Saadiq is an American producer, singer, and songwriter who released ‘Detroit Girl’ back in 2004. Meanwhile, ‘Busan Woman’ was a piece Rain was said to have worked on for 16 months, and was supposedly inspired by his personal life. No reference to sampling or buying the rights of another song seem apparent, only that the track had been registered as a song produced and co-written by Rain and a person who remains anonymous.

An official at Rain’s agency states, “This is the first time we’ve heard that ‘Busan Woman’ is a plagiarized song. We will perform an inspection to check it one more time“.

One K-Pop official comments, “If one is listening to a song and is immediately reminded of another song, the embarrassment for the artist should be huge. The problem of plagiarizing songs in order to create more songs should disappear“.

However, the co-writer of ‘Busan Woman’ says, “There is no reason for me to really respond to these plagiarism accusations. I have never heard of ‘Detroit Girl’ or even of Raphael Saadiq and am upset that we have been accused of plagiarism. The structure may be similar, but if that permits plagiarism accusations then all songs must be plagiarized“.

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