‘Running Man’ pokes fun at Olympics fencing controversy

SBS‘s Running Man was the latest show to make a sideways swipe at the 2012 London Olympics’ alleged mistaken ruling over the fencing match involving South Korean fencer Shin Ah Lam.

In the beginning of the episode, the show aired a brief segment detailing what had happened during the last week. With the caption “Superpowers exist?” the show parodied the several mistakes that the Olympic judges had allegedly made, giving them the titles of “The one with the power to stop time” and “The one who can see what high-speed cameras fail to see”.

Shin Ah Lam had missed out on an opportunity to win a medal when the timer accidentally stopped with one second left on the clock, during which her opponent took the chance to hit her multiple times.

Other shows, such as ‘Gag Concert‘ and ‘Infinity Challenge’, had also poked fun at the incident.

Source: TV Daily via Nate

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