‘Chris.Christy’ reveals 2012 FALL advertisement campaign featuring Won Bin

Chris.Christy‘ unveiled a few stills from their 2012 FALL advertisement campaign featuring actor Won Bin.

The photo shoot took place at a wedding hall in Gangnam, and Won Bin who stepped on set sporting a longer, wavy hairstyle was already giving off an ‘autumn’ vibe.

Despite shooting outdoors in the 90 degree heat, Won Bin being the professional he is did not once scrunch his face in discomfort or display his fatigue.

With the sunlight, Won Bin’s hair, and his veteran acting abilities, the photo shoot aimed to capture the essence of a man heading somewhere from Central Station one autumn day. With each flash of the camera, Won Bin was praised again and again, and photographer Hong Jang Hyun was extremely pleased with the outcome of the cuts, remarking that they were expressive and elegant as if the shoot took place at a location overseas.

The 2012 FALL SEASON look of ‘Chris.Christy’ includes colors burgundy, camel, red, and green, and with modern, and chic styles such as striped knits that mix and combine these colors, they are easily grabbing the attention of consumers everywhere.

Source & Image: Reviewstar via Naver

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