X-Japan’s Yoshiki regrets not being able to meet SNSD

Famous Japanese artist X-Japan recently held a press conference at the Sheraton hotel in Seoul for their ‘2011 X JAPAN LIVE IN SEOUL‘ concert.

At the event, member Yoshiki remarked that he loves all things K-pop, and that he has been living in the Los Angeles, California area for 15 years now, and K-pop is quite popular in the area as well.

There was a ‘Summer Sonic’ music festival that was held in Japan not too long ago,” he said. “I wanted to catch SNSD‘s interview but was upset that I didn’t get a chance to meet them.”

He continued, “I think K-pop is receiving more interest as of late, as it is continually developing and the quality of music is definitely improving.”

The 2011 X-Japan Live in Seoul will take place on the 28th at 8PM at Gymnastics Stadium,Olympic Hall.

Source & Image : XSportsNews via Nate

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