Seo In Guk & VIXX’ N look like brothers in recent selca

Singer Seo In Guk, who is currently starring in the new tvN drama series ‘Respond 1997‘, shared a selca photo taken with VIXX member N.

The singer posted the above photo via his official Twitter page August 8th with the message: “This is around the time of the musical ‘Curtain Call‘~ dongseng VIXX! Fighting! But hey,  N! You’re sort of in the back? Everyone says we look alike, but do you guys think so?”

Netizens who never noticed the resemblance between the two before definitely saw it in this recently shared photo, as they wrote, “You guys do look alike. You look like brothers!”, “You guys are melting nuna’s heart“, and more.

In related news, VIXX will be releasing their new song “Rock Your Body” August 14th, and will also hold a showcase at Hongik University for 300 of their fans.

Do you think the two look alike?

Source & Image : Seo In Guk’s Twitter

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