Kim Soo Hyun follows through on his deal to piggy-back a ‘The Thieves’ fan

Actor Kim Soo Hyun has followed through on his promise made with ‘The Thieves‘ fans!

Just last month, Kim Soo Hyun struck a deal with ‘The Thieves’ fans saying that he would give a piggy-back ride to the 10 millionth viewer of the movie.

Because the movie did indeed draw in over 10 million viewers, a special event was held on the 18th to follow through with the promises Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Hae Sook made. Actress Kim Hae Sook had promised, “I will give the 10 millionth a kiss.”

The special event was held in Gangnam and had audience members that ranged from fans who had watched ‘The Thieves’ over 5 times to those who came all the way from the country side to attend the event.

At the event Kim Soo Hyun expressed his thanks stating, “I made the promise hoping that 10 million audience members would watch the film, but i’m so glad it became a reality! I want to thank the viewers who helped make it a movie that exceeds 10 million viewers.“ Actress Kim Hae Sook who made time out of her busy schedule to attend the event expressed, “I’m so glad I could take on a great role and be a part of a 10 million viewer film, and I want to thank the 10 million viewers. Thank you for attending [the event] even in this harsh weather.

As for the lucky fan who was chosen to receive a piggy-back ride from Kim Soo Hyun, a young middle school girl from the country was chosen. The fan who had come to the event with her parents burst into tears of happiness when her seat was called, and Kim Soo Hyun followed through on his promise and gave her a piggy-back ride while trying to calm her tears down with his witty comments. The actor walked around the theatre with the lucky fan on his back receiving much applause from the rest of the audience.

Meanwhile, ‘The Thieves’ is an action film about 10 professional Korean and Chinese thieves that come together to steal a rare diamond called the ‘Tears of Heaven’, hidden in a casino in Macao.

Source + Images: Bnt News, Review Star

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