INFINITE's L has a mental breakdown because of the Superman costume

Idol group, INFINITE's L has made a surprising transformation into the famous super hero, Superman. On August 8th’s episode of Mnet’s “INFINITE's Ranking King”, the face of the group, L was seen wearing a Superman costume for the show.

On the show, the group goes on a summer camping trip and the members played all sorts of games during the trip to select who is the luckiest member of all. For the first game, there are boxes for the members to choose from; the members had to pick a box and wear whatever was inside for the show. L ended up picking up the box with an embarrassing Superman costume to prove his bad luck. Everyone erupted into laughter, and other members were clapping to cheer for his “lucky draw”.

A production member revealed that L seemed to have a mental breakdown when he opened the box and saw the Superman costume, he could not believe he has to wear that for the show. L kept asking in disbelief saying, "Do I really have to film with this on?"

In the released pictures, L perfectly transformed into Superman, wearing the puffy costume with bright red mantle

Aside from choosing the “King of Luck”, they will also announce the winner of “The King of Braves” from last episode.

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