Ye-Eun together with announcer Son Mina "How do they even know each other?"

Ye-Eun together with announcer Son Mina "How do they even know each other?"

Ye-Eun's acquaintance with announcer Son Mina is becoming a hot issue.

On 10th, Son Mina wrote on her Twitter, "4:30 AM. It's still dark outside, but the fresh air is alluding the start of another day. It feels great to sit in front of my desk to write. I feel like I've got everything. My head is clear!"

Ye-Eun commented, "Mina! Are you in Paris?? It was so great to see you^^ I'll treat you a dinner next time we meet!! Take care!^0^" and the two sent a few more messages back and forth.

On 9th, Son Mina uploaded a photo of herself with Ye-Eun, and drew people attention.

Netizens made comments, such as "How did they even first meet each other?", "Never thought of the two together", and "What an interesting match."

On the other hand, Wonder Girls recently released their new track 'Like Money'.

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