Photos of Lee Hyori backstage at ‘Show Me the Money’ released

Lee Hyori released a photo of her appearance on the show, ‘Show Me the Money.’

Kim Hae Young PD who worked with Lee Hyori on OnStyle’sGolden 12‘ tweeted a couple of photos and wrote, “Lee Hyori!  Appearing on Mnet’s ‘Show me the Money!  Wow daebak!  Everyone who has come to watch the performance get ready for the ride.

In the photos, Lee Hyori is wearing a daring stage outfit with mesh and looking at the camera with a serious look.

Kim PD went on to mention designer Yohni P and singer Bae Da Hae saying, “The performance was off the hook.  It will be great watching it on TV too.  Everyone backstage is clamoring about when Lee Hyori will release her next album.

Previously, Lee Hyori tweeted on June 22nd, “I must still like hip hop. ‘Show Me the Money’ is very entertaining.“  Seeing this tweet, the director at Mnet, Shin Hyung Kwan replied saying, “I will contact you if needed. It will be great to unite for a special stage,” which caught the attention of those who thought this was a foreshadowing of things to come.

Netizens who saw the photo of Lee Hyori  commented saying, “I wonder who Lee Hyori performed with“, “She is appearing on ‘Show Me the Money?  Daebak“, and “If Lee Hyori is appearing I have to watch the live broadcast.


Source: Money Today via Nate News

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