J.Y. Park caught between Spiderman and the Dark Knight

Singer and producer J.Y. Park, who recently transformed once again into an actor, expressed his concern for his film among fierce competitors.

On the 22nd, JYP wrote on his twitter, “To the left and right of me are two mind-boggling competitors. What must I do to survive between them?” also sharing a photograph with his words.

The photograph he revealed was a picture of the poster of his film ‘5 Million Dollar Man’. Humorously enough, the poster was surrounded by the posters of the Hollywood productions, ‘The Dark Night Rises’ on its left, and ‘The Amazing Spiderman’ to its right.

Netizens who saw then picture commented, ‘I hope you show us the power of Korean films’, ‘The movie genres are different so I’m sure the distinctive charms of each movie will shine through’, ‘I am looking forward to the future of the actor Park Jin Young’, and more.

In the comedy film, J.Y. Park plays the role of lobbyist Choi Young Jin, who somehow winds up running away with a five million dollar money case.

Source + Image: Sports Seoul via Nate

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