f(x)’s Victoria confesses to an embarrassing mistake she made while learning Korean

f(x)‘s Victoria has shared a personal experience in which she made a mistake while learning Korean.

On the July 9th broadcast of MBC‘s ‘Come to Play’, Victoria confessed, “Learning Korean was difficult.

The f(x) member then added, “I made a lot of mistakes.

When ‘Come to Play’ host Yoo Jae Suk asked her to explain herself and give an example, Victoria hesitated a bit before continuing. ”While filming for MBC’s ‘We Got Married’, I made a mistake with a taxi driver.” Victoria went on to reveal, “Although the driver’s name was ‘Goo Ja In’, I wrote his name as ‘Go Ja In’ (meaning ‘eunuch’ in Korean) while giving him an autograph.

With this cute confession, Victoria brought about a lot of smiles and laughter among the cast and guests of the show.

In other news, a number of girl group leaders appeared as guests on this July 9th episode of ‘Come to Play’ and displayed their variety skills.

Source: Star News via Nate

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