Brown Eyed Girls’ JeA suspects Narsha of being in a relationship?

JeA of girl group Brown Eyed Girls remarked that she suspects fellow member Narsha of being in a relationship.

On the July 9th broadcast of MBC‘s ‘Come To Play‘, JeA shared her personal predicament, saying, “Even though our company encourages us to date, we are unable to find boyfriends.

MC Yoo Jae Suk then asked, “Are there any members you suspect of dating, due to any suspicious changes in behavior?” to which JeA responded, “Narsha is like that these days.

Even her taste in music has changed,” she elaborated on her reason for suspecting her fellow member. “She listens to rock now, something she’s never listened to before.”

Comedienne Kim Na Young then jokingly jumped to conclusions saying, “So she’s dating a rocker,” causing the guests to laugh.

Source & Image : XportsNews via Nate

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