Viki announces official withdrawal from Dal Shabet for solo career

Disappointing news for Dal Shabet fans, as leader Viki has announced that she will be departing from the group.

On May 24th, Happy Face Entertainment announced, “Leader Viki, who began as a member of Dal Shabet on January 4th, 2011, will be withdrawing from the group for a solo career.” Viki also wrote her final post on the group’s official fancafe explaining her withdrawal.

Viki’s handwritten fancafe message stated:

“Hello, this is Dal Shabet’s Viki. It’s my first time greeting you all in a while but I’m afraid I have some bad news for our Darlings.

There were so many happy moments experienced with our fans while promoting as the leader of Dal Shabet, but I will be concluding my activities as a member of the group with our Yeosu schedule as my final participation. You’re surprised, right? But I’ll be back soon so please look forward to Viki’s solo promotions.

Ah! And our pretty Shabet dongsengs are also making a comeback! As it is their first studio album, please give them lots of love. Although I won’t be able to greet you as a member of Dal Shabet in the future, I hope our Darlings won’t forget Viki in their hearts. Please continue to give Dal Shabet your unchanging love and anticipate Viki’s solo transformation.

To my sisters, charming Serri, big eyed Ahyoung, the perfect daughter in law Jiyul, athletic Gaeun, and giant baby Subin. This unni will always be supporting you. And our Darlings! You know how much I love you, right? Thank you so much for your support and love. I’ll come back soon.”

Viki’s last appearance with the group will be at the Yeosu Expo concert on May 27th. Dal Shabet will be joined by a new member for their comeback next month.

Source + Photos: Star News via Naver

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