SNSD’s Jessica becomes a spring goddess for ‘At Style’

Girls’ Generation‘s Jessica has transformed into a beautiful goddess of the spring for style magazine, ‘At Style‘.

The photoshoot was held in the middle of a street on a bright, spring day with a bit of rain shower, lending a dewy look to the overall pictorial. Jessica was reported to have been overjoyed at being out in the nature, expressing, “I feel great because it’s raining. I love the rain.. It’s a bit boring having to film by myself without the members, but it’s still fun.”

Dressed in ‘Coming Step‘ clothing, her style mixes loud prints with simple, white pieces to create a fashionable and colorful look perfect for standing out against the gray rain showers.

More images and an honest interview can be seen in the May edition of ‘At Style’!

Source + Photos: Sports Donga via Naver

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