Lee Hyori shares her opinion on leaving leftovers in a restaurant

Lee Hyori made a case for frugality on Onstyle‘s ‘Lee Hyori’s Social Club Golden 12‘.

While preparing breakfast, Hyori opened the refrigerator and took out a container of food. She stated, “These are the leftovers I brought back home from dinner last night.

She also added, “In the past I always felt embarassed to ask for a to-go box. I felt more embarassed to ask when there was a small portion of food left. But now I feel more embarassed about leaving unfinished food to go to waste.

Viewers praised Lee Hyori’s wisdom and commented, “Lee Hyori is so charming“, “Lee Hyori’s heart is just as beautiful as her face“, and “I will not waste food from now on“.

Source + Image: Nate

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