Korean Culture Center Washington D.C. is holding a 4minute giveaway

Some awesome news for 4Nia‘s this month. The Korean Culture Center in Washington D.C. is holding a special giveaway event, in which you’ll have a chance to win one of 15 autographed 4minute albums and 10 Korean popular culture book sets!

To enter this giveaway hosted by the Korean Culture Center all you have to do is:

Post an entry on the Korean Culture Center Washington D.C.’s facebook wall, and like their page. You can share comments, photos, or post a video, but don’t forget to mention that the post is an entry for the 4minute giveaway.

Official Rules

To enter the contest, simply like the Korean Cultural Center in Washington DC on Facebook (if not already!) and make a post on our Facebook wall about this month’s featured artist, 4Minute. This is a contest of creativity, so the most innovative, inspiring, or amazing posts will win: show your love by posting a personal story, tribute, original song, photos, video, or anything else you can think of to show your K-Pop pride!

Everyone is eligible to enter, worldwide. Entries are accepted April 1-30. Winners will be notified individually at the end of the month via Facebook.

Check out the “Events” page on their Facebook for more information!

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