J.Y. Park reveals his secret diet smoothie

J.Y. Park has always been in the know about the latest fitness buzz. The eccentric singer and dancer has been in the K-Pop scene for more than 17 years, and he’s been keeping fit the whole time. Now, he’s spilling his dieting secrets for yours truly.

The singer revealed his diet tips via Twitter, sharing a simple yet effective recipe for a healthy breakfast smoothie. “Follow my breakfast recipe if you want to keep on dancing ‘til you’re 60,” says Park, “Mix three types of nuts, two fruits of your choice, two more dried fruits, soy milk, misut powder (a powdered substance made of roasted rice) mixed with soy milk, and last but not least, vegetable extracts. All in all, the preparation takes about 15 minutes.

The singer also included a photo of a plate assorted with the aforementioned ingredients needed to make his diet smoothie. Other nutritious breakfast recommendations such as bananas, oranges, persimmions and other foods high in vitamins and protein were in the photo as well.

Followers have responded positively, leaving comments like, “Wow, J.Y. Park’s diet secret! I feel like I’m getting healthy just by reading the recipe,” “I’m going to try this too!” and “I guess the secrets to sculpting a body like yours was behind this diet!

Source + Image: J.Y. Park’s Twitter

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