‘Oddee’ acknowledges Girls’ Generation member Jessica’s doll-like appearance

Girls’ Generation member Jessica is being praised for her doll-like beauty.

Jessica’s name was included in Oddee.com‘s list of ‘10 Unbelievable Girls Who Look Like Dolls‘.

Jessica’s shoulder-length hair and perfect profile has her receiving praise for being as beautiful as a doll,” they wrote.

Her mention drew much attention, as she was featured on the same list as famous doll-like beauties Venus Angelic and Dakota Rose.

Netizens who heard the news remarked, “Jessica’s beauty is acknowledged by the world,” as well as “I would like a doll that looks like Jessica,” and “So proud of Jessica!”

You can check out the full list here!

Who else would you have picked to be on the list?


Source & Image : TVDaily via Nate, Oddee.com


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