Singer Younha wanted to meet President Barack Obama

Singer Younha wants to meet U.S. president, Barack Obama.

President Barack Obama is in South Korea to attend the second Nuclear Security Summit which takes place in Seoul on March 26th and 27th.

On the first day at around 10:20 AM, in the Minerva Auditorium of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), Obama was scheduled to give a speech about ‘Korea’s role in the International Community‘.

Younha who recently graduated from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies was thrilled about the news and left a tweet stating, ”Woah! Obama’s speech about foreign studies.  I just graduated… Oh well, it must be hard to get in even if you’re a current student“.

Out of the 20,000 plus attending the school, only 700 students had the privilege of being allowed in the auditorium to listen to President Obama and also ask him questions.

Source + Photos: TV Report via Nate

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