Actress Lee Na Young’s past photo proves her natural beauty


Actress Lee Na Young‘s past photo has been receiving much attention after it was uploaded onto an online community board with the title, “Lee Na Young, she looks in her twenties but her style is of an elementary school student?”.

Her past photo on the left shows her hair tied up in pigtails with an outdated fashion compared to the photo of her on the right. Despite everything, her past photo gave netizens proof that Lee Na Young is indeed a natural beauty afterall.

Netizens complimented the actress, “She does look like an elementary school student in that photo, but she still looks the same“, “She’s still beautiful as ever“, and “She really is a natural beauty.”

Meanwhile, Lee Na Young has taken the role of Cha Eun Young, a female detective, in her newly released film ‘Howling‘.


Source & Image: Daily An via Nate

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