Taeyeon’s older brother writes her a sweet message of support

Kim Ji Woong (25), the older brother of Girls’ Generation member Taeyeon displayed his deep pride and respect for his younger sister.

A message he had written for his sister awhile back is now receiving some attention, after a netizen recently posted the message along with the photos above on an online community site.

Netizens were surprised at the resemblance between brother and sister, and fans could feel just how much he cared for Taeyeon by reading his few words.

He wrote, “Even since I was in junior high school, you were so much mature than I was. The way you thought and perceived things made me feel like you were more of an older sister to me, and I have always admired your strong-willed determination. You always had your head in the right place, and your independent, upright nature always challenged me to be a better person. I believe in you 200%, and I know that you’ll do well because you’re my sister. Your family is always right behind you, supporting you. I love you.”

Netizens who read his letter wrote, “He must love his sister. Jealous of their relationship“, “Taeyeon was always focused and upright“, “Her brother looks like an idol too“, “They have the same eyes. Hes cute“, and more.

Source & Image: TVReport via Nate

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