Nine Muses express confidence in their comeback

Nine Muses have finally made their comeback with their new song ‘News‘, and they expressed that they’re starting to feel more confident in themselves.

On January 13th, right before going on stage for KBS 2TV‘s ’Music Bank‘, Nine Muses held a quick interview. “It’s been 4 months since ‘Figaro‘,” they said. “Compared to other groups, we had a long break before our comeback. Because we worked hard for such a long period of time, we carry a different kind of confidence“.

Member Euaerin also added, “While preparing for this album, Lee Saem and I had gone under extensive rap training. We are looking forward to trying out different genres. We also took our choreography into consideration; we even invited a Japanese choreographer [to coach us].

In addition, Lee Saem commented, “We came back with a sexy concept and our fans gave us positive feedback. I think we are slowly finding our color. We are so thankful for Sweetune for making us a song that best fits with our image.” 

Source & Photo: Osen

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