More photos of Taecyeon at school revealed

More photos of 2PM‘s Taecyeon at school have been revealed on the internet.

Photos of the singer, a business major at Dangook University, were snapped as he walked around campus. His casual clothing could not hide his muscular build, and girls melted upon viewing these candid shots. Taecyeon was the main focus of everyone that walked around him, and was easily spotted out as a celebrity, even from a distance.

He courteously signed autographs for the students that recognized him, and he seemed to enjoy it thoroughly when junior idols came to greet him,” one onlooker reported.

Netizens who saw the photos remarked, “Judging from the photos, I guess he is studying hard these days“, “You can tell he’s a celebrity even from a distance“, and “So jealous of the students on campus.”

In related news, Taecyeon was recently snapped having brunch with SNSD‘s Jessica, but the two denied dating rumors and claimed that they are just close friends.

Source & Image : KoreaTimes via Nate

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