B2ST’s Hyunseung tackles how to properly eat a hot dog


B2ST‘s Hyunseung recently revealed a new photo while in New York on how to eat a hot dog!

As fans know, B2ST made their way to New York on October 7th to attend the 29th New York-Korean Festival. On October 10th, Hyunseung tweeted, “Someone said… this is the way to hold a hot dog in the United States“, and attached the above photo.

Hyunseung can be seen grasping the hot dog with both hands, while slightly bending his knees to give it the ‘commercial effect’.

Fans that viewed the photo commented, “Are you trying to garner modeling offers in the U.S. already?“, “Who taught you that? I eat hot dogs the same way both in Korea and America“, and, “This must be a joke?

Source: Star News

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