2NE1′s Dara asks fans to support her new Nikon CF


On October 20th, 2NE1‘s Sandara Park updated her me2day with a post asking everyone to support her new Nikon CF. The star released her CF earlier today and stunned viewers with her goddess-like transformation.

A sketch of her new look was attached to her message, which read: “Good morning! ^-^ Dara’s transformation! Bam! A feminine look instead of the usual cute vocalist ^^;;; Please cheer for the radiating new Dara’s Nikon CF! Heh, you might not believe it but Trainer Hwang has acknowledged my figure! Bam! Ahahahaha…I believe he said it once a long time ago! Ahahaha…Maybe not anymore? Heh, have a nice day! ^^”

If you haven’t seen Dara’s new CF yet, then you’ll definitely want to check out this link here.

Source + Image: Sandara’s me2day

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